No society in the history of the world, not even the ancient Greeks, has ever
thought same-sex marriage was a good idea. To change a thing like this
that is so foundational to the very core of what it means to be a
family, a people, and a nation, individually and collectively in
relationship with others and with God with so little thought and
examination of the consequences is to invite horrendous disaster.
This issue should have been carefully and thoughtfully studied, the examination should have been more strenuous than the process the FDA uses to approve new drugs. This decision has been based on nothing more than the mood of the age, the pressure of certain groups on public opinion and the indoctrination of a people to adopt a mindset based on nothing more than an advertizing campaign. There has been no examination of the potential for destruction. The consequences of getting this wrong will have bad repercussions through generations. Getting this wrong has the potential to shred American society to the point where it collapses.
This issue should have been carefully and thoughtfully studied, the examination should have been more strenuous than the process the FDA uses to approve new drugs. This decision has been based on nothing more than the mood of the age, the pressure of certain groups on public opinion and the indoctrination of a people to adopt a mindset based on nothing more than an advertizing campaign. There has been no examination of the potential for destruction. The consequences of getting this wrong will have bad repercussions through generations. Getting this wrong has the potential to shred American society to the point where it collapses.
That's what happens when you dismantle the building block of a culture.
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