People who think they're smart and sound off about things they don't understand usually end up looking like donkeys. Unfortunately, these days when the donkeys sit in positions of authority or have control of the noise making devices that are broadcast in the popular culture, they seem to have quite a following of devotees who listen and come to agree with them. I have no idea how many people, young or middle age or old, actually do agree with them, but they certainly make a lot of noise! Every time I think, 'Surely this will be the last straw,' the power elites manage to pile on another ton. One begins to wonder whether anyone will realize why everything has finally, totally gone to hell when it does finally go totally to hell.
Blame George W. Bush!
The longer things go the more frightening the future looks. Imagine western civilization is a 22-story building built on centuries of God working to shape human beings into better creatures.
Western civilization has achieved a series of great high points through the years besides art and music. How about the invention of capitalism; the invention of the scientific method; religious and political freedom; the end of slavery (in the western world); rights for women and the rule of law, by the people and for the people, as opposed to the rule of the guy who manages to kill off enough of the competition that he can command his thugs to control the rest.
Now we have a passel of entertainment and education elites joining forces with liberal politicians who despise the very culture that has made it possible for them to exist. This group has been busy setting fire to the pillars upon which the culture stands--one after the other--since the 1960's. Among other things, they teach:
Capitalism is evil. Nobody should be allowed to make money running a business, the business exists to provide money and benefits for its workers. Now, sports figures and entertainment celebrities and politicians, they should be allowed to make all the money they possibly can.
Science is good, especially now that we can use it to show how God didn't create everything and is irrelevant.
Persons of the same gender should, not only be able to have sex with each other, but they should be able to get "married" without giving any thought to what marriage actually is or if it will work well for the mental health and stability of the children they'll be raising. Kind of like the great results we've been getting with single mothers raising children.
The common man (especially if he's a Conservative or Christian or a farmer or a rancher or a business owner) is an idiot. Wouldn't it be nice if we had only one political party and our leader could be a dictator?
Slavery is good. No, wait! Don't call it that. Call it "benefits" or "entitlements" or other euphemistic phrases. Slavery is good because these poor fools can't get into university by their own merit on their own cash; they can't get a job and feed their kids themselves and you certainly don't expect them to amount to anything, do you? Besides, if we give them free stuff they give us more power by voting for us.
Fine teaching, isn't it? Great progress teeters on a burning foundation while the fire-starters mock those of us who want to put out the fire and repair the damage.
It's sad how so few people are asking, "If X was thought to be the right way to do something for centuries, shouldn't we kind of step back and think about this before we blow it up?"
Jim Carrey, who has made a living acting like a donkey in most of his movies, decided to do a parody on a TV show made by and for a group of people who traditionally have been humble enough to poke fun at themselves (which is why the TV show Hee Haw ever existed in the first place). In this parody, Carrey browbeat a great actor who is dead and can't defend himself while mocking cowboys, farmers, rednecks and anybody else who thinks the 2nd Amendment is about ordinary citizens having the ability to take down an out of control government. He uses actors pretending to be pillars of western civilization to help him set his fire and together they laugh derisively at the hapless object of his hatred. It's mean spirited; bigoted and not funny, but it's Jim Carrey and that makes it ok. Doesn't it?
Cold Dead Hand with Jim Carrey
Greg Gutfeld Destroys Anti-Gun Jim Carrey in Epic Rant
Lone Tree

I have often been told that you should never discuss religion or politics in public, because it might start a fight.
I believe the reason those two subjects start fights so easily is because they are so important. Your own personal religious beliefs and political ideologies determine a great deal of who you are. Even if you have no particular belief, that determines much of your approach to life. Furthermore, the prevailing religious and political ideas of the country you live in and of the world as a whole are fundamental to determining the conditions of the country and the world as a whole.
I conclude that people with any real interest in the world or its future have to discuss religion and politics. Even if it starts a fight.
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