Lone Tree

Lone Tree

I have often been told that you should never discuss religion or politics in public, because it might start a fight.

I believe the reason those two subjects start fights so easily is because they are so important. Your own personal religious beliefs and political ideologies determine a great deal of who you are. Even if you have no particular belief, that determines much of your approach to life. Furthermore, the prevailing religious and political ideas of the country you live in and of the world as a whole are fundamental to determining the conditions of the country and the world as a whole.

I conclude that people with any real interest in the world or its future have to discuss religion and politics. Even if it starts a fight.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Four Big Bangs...

A former atheist was challenged to read some Christian books and disprove their theses...

Fully Functional in Your Divine Purpose...

Not everybody can or should go into ministry, yet ministry seems to be the only option available to people if they love God. In this hour long video Lance Wallnau discusses how to fulfill your God-given destiny...

What Makes Republicans Evil?

Ever wonder how a party that ran Abraham Lincoln for president became the evil, scum of the earth? Your question will be answered in this video by Bill Whittle....

Thursday, March 05, 2015

What Do Modern Conservatives Believe

This does not account for all conservative views but it is a good starter. It is important to understand that conservative and liberal are just labels and those label change over time. What was a Conservative or Liberal 200 years ago may be the opposite today and may have changed many times in between. Learn from history but judge based on now.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Phil Robertson's Speech at CPAC

Particularly noteworthy in this speech is Phil Robertson's extensive reading from the writings and speeches of George Washington and John Adams. We need reminding and we need to search out our Founding Fathers' thoughts and become well acquainted with them. Do not take at their word remarks and conclusions made by an American hating media or politician telling us what the Founders' intended, thought or said. Read the Founders' biographies, read their writings. Do not be ignorant citizens. A nation founded as ours is founded, by the people and for the people, cannot afford very many ignorant citizens and survive long with liberty intact.