Lone Tree

Lone Tree

I have often been told that you should never discuss religion or politics in public, because it might start a fight.

I believe the reason those two subjects start fights so easily is because they are so important. Your own personal religious beliefs and political ideologies determine a great deal of who you are. Even if you have no particular belief, that determines much of your approach to life. Furthermore, the prevailing religious and political ideas of the country you live in and of the world as a whole are fundamental to determining the conditions of the country and the world as a whole.

I conclude that people with any real interest in the world or its future have to discuss religion and politics. Even if it starts a fight.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thoughts on religious liberty....

If you're an American citizen, the present, American, federal government wants to become your god. It wants to watch you and control every aspect of your life. It wants you to have sexual liberty, but it doesn't want you to choose for yourself how you will eat, what car you will drive, what kind of toilet you will own, how much stuff you can put in your garage, what you can do with water that you own or falls as rain on your land or which light bulb you will use.

More than anything, the American federal government wants to control how you think and for whom you vote. Voter fraud is rampant and the idea of "one man (or woman) and one vote" is a joke, but nobody who has any power does anything about it. And those who try are persecuted by the IRS, the new enforcement arm of the American king and his minions.

Unfortunately, the American media largely is in agreement with these objectives and the Republican party too often appear hapless and inarticulate. Truly, only someone with the talent of Ronald Reagan, which most of us do not possess, can talk over the media's heads directly to the people and make thoughts clear. However, too many Republicans get to Washington and become infected with the same disease that rots the Democrat party--the notion that begins with the idea that government can help.

The truth is, ninety-nine percent of the time, government cannot help, it can only make things worse. The "War on Poverty" has destroyed black families and has made poverty and living on government charity a way of life for many. The federal minimum wage law has ensured that no person who lacks basic skills and a high school education can get a job an employer can afford to give him while he trains him in a trade. Federal laws controlling student school attendance and integration of students no matter their academic ability or mental capacity ensures that neither our brightest students nor our dullest will receive what they need. Government student aid has driven up the cost of a college education to the point where only the wealthiest citizen can pay for a full load of course hours per semester by himself and the rules make sure that the middle class is hammered because they are neither wealthy enough to pay for everything themselves nor poor enough to obtain a free ride. And now the federal government is busy making sure that nobody can afford healthcare either.

Unless we're talking public roads, national defense and international diplomacy the federal government can't do anything useful. Government is like a zombie, except it is blind and though it is controlled by regulation, there is no mercy or true charity. That can only come with the sight and intelligence of personal contact and liberty to do some things and not others as best benefits the needy individual.

Where power can be concentrated, those who desire power will also concentrate. The ultimate objective of a person who desires power, as opposed to someone who desires to serve, is the ability to control, to rule, to dominate--to become a god.
"Religious freedom is the freedom to practice your faith, not just in the church, but outside the church. And, unfortunately, increasingly, the progressives in this country and the president see freedom of worship as just the ability to do whatever you want to do within the church, at least for now. But once you are outside the church, then you have to do what the government tells you to do and think the way the government tells you to think. That's not what the first amendment says, that's not what the court, thankfully, said....Freedom of conscious is the most important freedom because none of the others matter if you can't say and act according to what you actually believe," Rick Santorum.
Americans have been endowed with vast liberties which are being whittled away little by little through time. Compared to the days when a teenager could leave an abusive home and strike out on his own to build his own business or take a viable job learning a trade, he now has no such liberty. A teenager who leaves home soon becomes a slave in the sex trade or a homeless derelict. Ask any farmer how much liberty he has when federal law for chemical use damns him if he does and damns him if he doesn't--the only thing that prevents him from suffering a huge fine, a lawsuit or arrest is the fact that the authorities haven't decided to punish him yet. In labor law, the employer is guilty, now what is the question? How much liberty do we have when the government can confiscate our money and do things with it which we abhor? And, when a government becomes a "charitable" organization, doling out aid to the needy, its blindness and its regulations automatically make it an organ to be massaged for free cash.

The (Not) Affordable (No) Care (subject to un-constitional revision by the executive branch) Act seeks to further whittle away Americans' liberty.
 "The prevailing view in Democratic circles is that Americans enjoy constitutional and legal rights when acting alone but not when acting jointly — i.e., not when it matters most to public affairs. Under this model, the owners of Hobby Lobby enjoy First Amendment religious protections, and RFRA protections, when they are kneeling in prayer by their bedsides, and perhaps, with certain limitations and IRS oversight, when they are in their church pews. But if they make a decision together, as a group of business owners with a particular vision of the good life and their own duties as people of conscience, then the Democrats believe that their legal and constitutional rights should be set aside, as though human beings and American citizens acting in concert with one another were less than human beings or less than American citizens because of that act of coordination," National Review editors
 Americans need to do more screaming, they need to do more pounding on politicians' doors and more pelting them with letters. We the people need to rise up and demand bureaucracies funds be curtailed, that our borders be secured and agencies be whittled down to the barest minimum. We need to run for office and we need to write letters to the editor. We need to cry out to God for help. He will answer.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The truth about the Middle East...

The Roman emperor, Hadrian, hated the Jews and wanted to obliterate them from the face of the earth. From the Roman point of view the Jews had been a thorn in the Roman side for generations. He renamed the land of Israel, "Palestine," with the idea that renaming it would mean that Israel had never existed. The ancestors of the "Palestinians" lived there alongside Jews back then and still live there now, only now, they want to claim Israel has no right to exist. This video is short, succinct and to the point covering many of the key points pertaining to conflict in the Middle East.