Lone Tree

Lone Tree

I have often been told that you should never discuss religion or politics in public, because it might start a fight.

I believe the reason those two subjects start fights so easily is because they are so important. Your own personal religious beliefs and political ideologies determine a great deal of who you are. Even if you have no particular belief, that determines much of your approach to life. Furthermore, the prevailing religious and political ideas of the country you live in and of the world as a whole are fundamental to determining the conditions of the country and the world as a whole.

I conclude that people with any real interest in the world or its future have to discuss religion and politics. Even if it starts a fight.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Can freedom last forever?

"In all of history’s great civilizations, there has come the moment when their citizens became their own worst enemies, thinking and living at odds with the values and principles upon which their nation was built. Political analyst and social critic Os Guinness provides both historical and current evidence that suggests America is perilously close to reaching this point today. But with this alert, Guinness also offers direction and encouragement for those seeking to achieve what the country’s founding fathers predicted would be most challenging: sustainable freedom." This quote is from Os Guinness' website promoting his new book, A Free People's Suicide. We don't have to commit suicide. There is hope! But we're pushing closer and closer.

The link below will take you to a video recording of Os Guinness' speech for the Socrates in the City series:

Os Guinness speaks at "Socrates in the City" on the topic of American liberty...

Os Guinness' web site